

from $40.00

QUICK NOTE: Our early May nucleus colonies are now sold out. You can still order our spring nucs.

This year we are offering limited amounts of bees. Nucleus colonies are available with either Italian/Carniolan queens or our North Country queens. These will be available in late April/early May, weather permitting. We will have Italian/Carniolan queens beginning in April for those early splits. Again this year we will be growing our 2025 North Country queens.

North Country queens will not be available until they’ve successfully mated.

SUPER NEWS!!!!!!! You now have the option of getting queens that are vaccinated against AFB.

Queens can be preordered now for April (or later) delivery. North Country are a blend of our best queens (VSH, Buckfast, Saskatraz, a ferral hive from The Rocks that we call Mrs. Glessner, and PAB) and the best drones. They are bred to have varroa sensitive qualities, good grooming behavior, good honey and brood production, and are much hardier for our long winters. We take great care in selecting which hives to prepare for breeding and usually end up working with only 7 hives out of 150. These queens will be available in May thru July (weather depending).

5 frame - Italian/carniolan nuc w/queen available early May - $240 SOLD OUT

5 frame - Italian/carniolan nuc w/vaccinated queen available early May - $260 SOLD OUT

5 frame - North Country nuc w/queen available early May - $280 SOLD OUT

5 frame - North Country nuc w/vaccinated queen available early May - $300 SOLD OUT

5 frame - spring North Country nuc w/queen available late May/early June - $260

5 frame - spring North Country nuc w/vaccinated queen available late May/early June - $280

10 frame full hive - Italian/carniolan bees with queen, brood of all stages, resources of drawn comb, honey, pollen. Woodenware includes bottom board,1 deep, entrance reducer, inner cover, outer cover, and secure strap to hold it all together while moving. Colony will be screened in for the move. Delivery service within reasonable distance available at a charge. - $550



NORTH COUNTRY QUEENS - unvaccinated $50

NORTH COUNTRY QUEENS - vaccinated $70

Note: Our North Country breeding program encompasses some great stock. They are a mix of Buckfast, Perdue Ankle Biter, Carniolan, Saskatraz, Russian, and a feral hive from The Rocks Estate that we call Mrs. Glessner. We take great care in selecting which hives to prepare for breeding and usually end up working with only 7 hives out of 150.

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Click the link at the top of this page for a pdf version of our order form. Download it and swing by the farm to pay cash. Since we won’t be paying credit card fees, we will pass that savings on to you!